Yes! Our system allows you to use Jungle Math Challenge on up to 7 devices.
To do so, create an Edoki account on the device that has the subscription. Here is how:
On the upper left corner of the Home Screen tap on the “Edoki Club” icon (next to a cogwheel).
To do so, create an Edoki account on the device that has the subscription. Here is how:
On the upper left corner of the Home Screen tap on the “Edoki Club” icon (next to a cogwheel).
1. Tap on the yellow icon with the white envelope.
2. Enter your email address and tap on continue.
3. Either click on "send a verification code" to login without a password OR create a password.
4. Check your inbox for our email and tap on the button.
5. The app should reopen automatically for you to finish setting up your account.
6. You will be logged in and your kid's progress will be stored on our servers.
To use the app on your second device:
Simply open the app and follow the "Sign in with my Edoki account" flow.
Please note that if your child is using the same profile on multiple devices, the progress and coins can only synchronise if you shut down the app completely in the first device (so that it doesn't run on the background).
Please note that if your child is using the same profile on multiple devices, the progress and coins can only synchronise if you shut down the app completely in the first device (so that it doesn't run on the background).