If you are unsure whether or not you have subscribed to our app through Apple, you need to access your subscription status on your Apple device as explained below. Before you start, check that you know which iTunes ID is paying for the subscription.

On iOS 12 or more recent version:
Open the App Store.
Tap on the picture in the right-hand corner.
Select "Manage Subscriptions".
Choose Montessori Preschool.

On any previous OS:
Open the Settings icon on your device (the grey one).
Scroll down to iTunes & App Store.
Select our iTunes ID or login.
Enter your password.
Scroll down to "Subscriptions".
Find Montessori Preschool.

If you cannot see "Manage subscriptions", it means that this iTunes ID doesn't have any.

If you cannot see "Montessori Preschool" in the list of Subscriptions, it means that this iTunes ID is not a subscriber.

If you see an option to re-subscribe, it means that you are no longer a subscriber.

If you are a subscriber, the chosen plan (monthly for instance) will be shown by a blue tick.

If this page shows that your iTunes ID is paying for the subscription and yet you cannot access the app content, please contact us on support@edokiacademy.com.