If you are unsure whether or not you have subscribed to our app through Apple, you need to access your subscription status on your Apple device. Please follow these steps:

On the upper left corner of the Home Screen tap on the “Edoki Club” icon (cogwheel) and then tap on “Manage account”. Tap again on “Manage account” and the app will redirect you to the Subscriptions section of the App Store

If you cannot see "Manage subscriptions", it means that this Apple ID doesn't have any.

If you cannot see "Jungle Math Challenge" in the list of Subscriptions, it means that this Apple ID is not a subscriber.

If you see an option to re-subscribe, it means that you are no longer a subscriber.

If you are a subscriber, the chosen plan (monthly for instance) and the renewalexpiration date will be shown.

If this page shows that your Apple ID is paying for the subscription and yet you cannot access the whole app content, please contact us at support@edokiacademy.com.